Forget efficiency
Why efficiency is pointless without effectiveness

Should we really forget efficiency? No. But we should postpone focusing on efficiency until we are effective.
Why efficiency is pointless without effectiveness
Should we really forget efficiency? No. But we should postpone focusing on efficiency until we are effective.
Why standardization is a double-edged sword
Standardization is a two-edged sword. It has a value, but it also comes at a price.
Why ignoring NFRs is a bad idea
This post is about another “evergreen” in IT: The fallacy that only business features have business value.
Why shorter IT lead times are inevitable
The speed of the IT value chain often is a topic in discussions I have with decision makers. The common theme is: The IT value chain is too slow. We need to deliver faster.
Creating value by cleaning up
This post sort of complements the “Simplify!” blog series as it also points towards the simplification of the IT landscape. Still, based on a different train of thought, I decided to make it an independent post.