
Projects considered harmful - Part 2

Exploding complexity, death of motivation and organizational bankruptcy

Uwe Friedrichsen

11 minute read

Boats lying on harbor ground at low tide

In the previous post, we discussed how the broken feedback loops that software development projects create lead to a continuously deteriorating IT system landscape, resulting in an ever-shrinking dependability – which is probably the by far most important runtime property of software.

Simplify! - Part 15

Summing up and some general considerations

Uwe Friedrichsen

11 minute read

Extract of the driver's cabin of a steam locomotive (seen at Hungarian Railway Museum, Budapest)

Hooray! This is the last post of the “Simplify!” series. As I wrote before: I would never have expected that it would become that long. Initially, I expected 4, maybe 5 parts. Most likely I would not have dared to begin with it if I would have known. Anyway, we have arrived here – at last!