Responsible IT - Part 2
Responding from first principles

In the previous post, we discussed the biggest challenges, IT organizations face these days. We have seen four big challenges, each with its own peculiarities:
Responding from first principles
In the previous post, we discussed the biggest challenges, IT organizations face these days. We have seen four big challenges, each with its own peculiarities:
Drivers for rethinking IT
Lately, I attended an IT decision maker conference. A few hundred CIOs and other IT decision makers under a single roof. When looking at the conference schedule, you found the usual suspects:
When systems live in their own world
Recently, I had two experiences within a few days that made me think regarding system dependability. In both situations, the systems acted detached from their surrounding reality and thus became confusing or even annoying – even if it would have been easy for them to detect their reality detachment.
Revisiting a great article
About a decade ago, Jeffrey Dean and Luiz AndrĂ© Barroso published their IMO great article “The tail at scale” in the Communications of the ACM 1. The article dives into the topic of latency tail-tolerance.
Finding the sweet spot
We have discussed the business case for resilient software design in my previous post. Let us assume, you have a budget and you know which are the most critical business processes/capabilities/interactions (whatever term suits your needs best) you need to secure, i.e., make more resilient.