Leaving the rat race - Part 6
Using your time in better ways

In the previous post, I gave a few recommendations how to deal with the hype industry and leave the rat race.
Using your time in better ways
In the previous post, I gave a few recommendations how to deal with the hype industry and leave the rat race.
How to leave the rat race
In the previous post we discussed the actual strengths of humans and how the FOMO 1 cycle tends to play against it.
Anti-patterns and the actual strengths of humans
In the previous post we discussed that most of the “innovation” hype is nothing but a distraction from our actual problems.
The distraction from the actual problems
In the previous post we discussed that we are by far not as “innovative” as we claim to be, that most of the innovation puffery comes from a hype industry, trying to lure and force people into buying their products and services.
The lack of real innovation
In the previous post we discussed the omnipresent FOMO and the resulting feeling of continuously running a Red Queen’s race for many of the affected people. I also discussed that based on my observations this impression of such a continuous high “innovation” speed is mainly driven by an IT hype industry which benefits from people who are in a constant state of FOMO.