Presentation recordings

Links to my presentation recordings

Uwe Friedrichsen

Presentation recordings

Quite some of the presentations, I did at public conferences and meetups were recorded and published afterwards, most of them on YouTube. I did not (yet) create a list of my presentation recordings. Thus, the easiest way to access most of my publicly available presentation recordings is going to YouTube and search for “Uwe Friedrichsen codecentric” 1. This query should list more of my presentations then you are probably willing to watch … ;)

  1. The addendum “codecentric” is required because there was I German actor also named Uwe Friedrichsen who was quite popular at his time. Even if he died several years ago, quite a lot of his clips are still popular on YouTube. Hence, if you see a video with Uwe Friedrichsen on YouTube with someone obviously not talking about IT … that’s not me … ;) ↩︎