Software Engineering

ChatGPT already knows - Part 2

Past and present of software engineering

Uwe Friedrichsen

14 minute read

A flock of flamingos standing in the water

In the previous post, we discussed that detail knowledge, one of the major differentiators in software engineering careers, ceases to be a differentiator due to the growing capabilities of modern AI solutions. Whatever relevant detail knowledge a software engineer can have, these tools also can have. We stopped with the question what is left to software engineers in such a changing landscape, how to preserve one’s value.

ChatGPT already knows - Part 1

Disrupting the role of the software engineer

Uwe Friedrichsen

13 minute read

A green snake curled up on a branch

At the moment, we see a lot of discussions revolving ChatGPT and other modern AI tools like, e.g., GitHub Copilot. Many managers praise them as the new silver bullet to beat the (often self-made) skills shortage that will make software developers redundant while driving software development efficiency to unprecedented heights.