The microservices fallacy - Part 2
Debunking the scalability fallacy

This post discusses the widespread fallacy that microservices are needed to tackle scaling issues.
Debunking the scalability fallacy
This post discusses the widespread fallacy that microservices are needed to tackle scaling issues.
The origins and fallacies of microservices
This is a blog series discussing the fallacies of microservices. It complements a talk I have given.
Architecture as a means to improve quality of life
Software architecture is one of the things in software development that is important. At least that is what many people – especially software architects – claim: It is about the “important decisions”, the “decisions that are hard to change later”, and so on.
Creating value by cleaning up
This post sort of complements the “Simplify!” blog series as it also points towards the simplification of the IT landscape. Still, based on a different train of thought, I decided to make it an independent post.
Motivation and table of contents
When I look around, I see two evolutions that in combination worry me a lot: