The microservices fallacy - Part 8
When (not) to choose microservices
In this post we start to make sense of what we have discussed so far – when we should use microservices, when not to use them and what to do instead.
When (not) to choose microservices
In this post we start to make sense of what we have discussed so far – when we should use microservices, when not to use them and what to do instead.
Actual reasons for microservices
This post discusses actual reasons that justify the use of microservices.
Debunking the technology migration fallacy
This post discusses the fallacy that microservices make technology changes easier.
Debunking the better design fallacy
This post discusses the widespread fallacy that microservices lead to better solution design.
Debunking the reusability and autonomy fallacies
This post discusses two widespread fallacies – that microservices improve reusability (and thus pay for themselves after a short while) and that microservices improve team autonomy.