Simplify! - Part 15

Summing up and some general considerations

Uwe Friedrichsen

11 minute read

Extract of the driver's cabin of a steam locomotive (seen at Hungarian Railway Museum, Budapest)

Hooray! This is the last post of the “Simplify!” series. As I wrote before: I would never have expected that it would become that long. Initially, I expected 4, maybe 5 parts. Most likely I would not have dared to begin with it if I would have known. Anyway, we have arrived here – at last!

The continuous amnesia issue

As an industry we continuously forget what we have learned

Uwe Friedrichsen

10 minute read

Part of an artificial hive for solitary bees

In this post I want to discuss an issue that I, being for a longer time in IT meanwhile, observe over and over again. It is the observation that as an industry we continuously forget what we have learned.